
Ministry of Health and Ministry of Agriculture Released MRL Standards

    According to specifications in the Food Safety Law and regulations issued by the State Council for a new food safety campaign, the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Agriculture established the Maximum Residue Limits for 12 Pesticides in Food Including Chlorothalonil (GB25193-2010). It has been approved by the Committee of National Pesticide Residue Standards Evaluation , and released as a national food safety standard on July 29, 2010.

    The Standard is to come into force on November 1, 2010, involving 16 MRLs for 12 pesticides, such as chlorothalonil, carbosulfan, and chlorpyrifos, in agricultural products such as apples, tomatoes and wheat. Specification and implementation of this standard can standardize agricultural production, promote scientific and proper use of pesticides, and enhance agricultural product safety in technical manner. (Press Office of the Ministry of Agriculture)